Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Eric's Submission


Who said Monte isn’t fun in the off-season? Get me a chocolate! Quick!

To quote the sage Sade: “The rose we remember; the thorns we forget…”

Our editrix has chosen a series of photos. Let’s take a look-e-loo.

The 1890’s:

These men have decided to photograph an “after sex” look. I think we can ascertain who the third of the three-some is. Boys: at least look like you’re trying.

The 1900’s:

Chip and Thom, on the left, are totally together. Roger looks a bit lost in this. Again, boys, at least look like you’re trying.

The 1910’s:

Here we have a pre-sexy get-up. Up on the rooftop, Gauleiter Denton, Gauleiterin Geigh, und Spassmacher Simmons machen Spass. That there are two who are offering a toast to something the third person doesn’t quite get it is relevant here.

I say this because it looks either like you’re the boyfriend of the third or you’ve never met them before. This is what I hear.

The 1920’s:

This is when sitting on a lap meant something. Oh boy! #%^@! Let’s go, indeed! Sex happened soon after this picture was taken.

The 1930’s:

Leonard, far right, is clearly the third man out. Pissed but also disappointed.

Woe are #1 and 2. Oh well! They won’t feel the bullets.

The 1940’s:

It looks like they just had sex and will again once you shutthefuckup. Glenn Miller’s trombone was quite the inspiration.

The 1950’s:

One word: B-E-E-F-C-A-K-E. I am not sure of their sexuality, but they are having sex, Know that.

The 1960’s:

Since it was the early part of the decade, I think there are separate entries.

What We Would Like to Think: Betty and Joanne have boyfriends and, eventually, husbands!

What Actually Happened: Betty and Joanne know their men. Chad likes something else, and that is their boyfriends. He’s looking away because he can.

In the end, this is a stretch for me. I have never participated in a three-way, so my narration may or may not cling to reality.

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